Gerda (29) opens a massage parlor for dogs: ‘Afterwards they are completely exhausted’

A dog masseur is not a profession you often encounter, but according to Gerda there is a growing demand for dog masseurs. Zoetermeer Gerda Haaijer (29) will open dog massage parlor De Gouden Hondenpoot in Dorpsstraat on October 1. Our editors visited her.

Gerda has been an animal lover since she was little. She has animal care manager studied and has more than ten years of experience in the animal industry. Then the profession of dog masseur came her way, she says: “I noticed that dogs were getting more and more complaints for which the vet could not find the cause. Massage can help with physical or mental stress. More and more people wanted to have their dogs massaged, but there were too few masseurs. Then I started to look into it.” Ultimately, Gerda found it so interesting that she decided to continue the training canine dog masseur to follow.

Positive effects

What effect does massage have on dogs, and what kind of complaints can a masseur help with? “Massage provides relaxation and that has an important effect on the nervous system. The dog becomes more aware of its body, allowing it to relax better and ‘get out of its head’. It ensures better mental and emotional balance. Just like with people.”

She continues: “By repeating the massages regularly, you can teach the dog to relax first in simple situations and later also in difficult situations. In addition, they can concentrate better and communicate with their owner and other dogs.”

Nice responses

Gerda thinks the reactions from dogs and owners are the most beautiful thing about her work: “You get so much love and gratitude in return. It is very nice to hear from the owners that the dogs deal with their problems better or are even free of complaints.” And what about the dogs? “Usually the dogs are completely exhausted after the massage.”

Keep learning

Although she has already completed a course, Gerda is determined to continue learning. “I will start a new course in October Traditional Chinese Medicine,TCM. Once I have completed that training, I can also treat animals with certain contraindications, such as dogs with cancer, certain medications or a hernia.”

On October 1, Gerda will open her salon in the pet shop ‘t Dierenparadijs. The opening party is on Saturday, September 30 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can book a massage here.

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