Gerard Vos from Appingedam the fastest in Hippolytusrun in Middelstum

Runner Gerard Vos has won the Hippolytus run over 10,000 meters in Middelstum.

The athlete from Appingedam covered this distance in 35 minutes and 9 seconds. He was followed by Richard Stel (Groningen) at 1.14 minutes. Barry Bronsema (Meedhuizen) ran to third place; he finished 1.20 minutes behind the winner.

Annemarije Souer was the first woman to cross the finish line. The finishing time of the Bedumse was 42.42 minutes. Christien Koning (Groningen) was second at 23 counts, the bronze was for Femke Veldman. Delfzijl lost 2.29 minutes to the winner.

The race was the second of six in the Huis & Hypotheek Ommelander Loopcircuit. The upcoming race is the Lopster Torenloop in Loppersum on Saturday 1 July.
