Gerard Joling does not spare exhausted Duncan Laurence: ‘So sick’

Duncan Laurence has another one: a nervous breakdown. Fortunately, Shownieuws has found Gerard Joling willing to leave some encouraging words. “Sick kid!”


What Eva Jinek has with holidays, Duncan Laurence has with panic attacks: is busier with it than with the work itself. After a few TikTok videos, some inspirational sessions with the Eurovision flop duo Mia & Dion and a few media appearances, he is completely off again. Duncan sets the release from his album to recover.

Dead eyes

Well, of course it’s not a surprise. Earlier this month, the singer caused quite a bit of unrest with his dead eyes. It’s obvious he can’t handle the big stage, but he just keeps trying. Isn’t it time for his intimates to protect him and for him to start singing in the shower again?

RTL Boulevard reporter Aran Bade thinks that Duncan does not enjoy his work at all. “Since 2019 we have seen him, a nice boy, blue shirt, very fresh and fruity, and now… He seems to have lost his way in his head. He has very difficult moments with the press,” he says in the show section.

Arrogant attitude

That difficult relationship with the press is now causing unprecedented harsh reactions. For example, Bart Ettekoven shows little compassion at the Shownieuws desk: “It is of course not the first time. It’s not like you’re saying: I’m falling head over heels for it. It’s also because of his arrogant attitude. His management never wants to react, he never wants to react.”

Is he really that arrogant? “Terrible! Incredibly! He never wants to say anything. He was also not or hardly available for comments or interviews in Liverpool. He fled into the bus, fled into the hotel.”

Could it be due to performance anxiety? Ronald Molendijk: “Yes, but then you are a bit in the wrong profession.”

What does Gerard say?

The icing on the cake? Gerard Joling. He speaks some encouraging words for Duncan in front of the Shownieuws camera. “Duncan is also a bit scary to me. How he behaved… If you saw how that Ilse DeLange was with him every time to support him, to give him strength, to give him directions.”

He continues: “Then I think: you should have done the same with that couple. The fact that you then only want to be interviewed in English, that makes me a bit sick. And then you can already speak with an English accent if you have been in America for a year. A bit nauseating.”

“Nice bright!”

It is to be hoped that Duncan does not have the same long toes as Ruud de Wild, otherwise Gerard can expect a spicy call today.

Bart loves it: “I love Geer so much. He’s always so honest.”

And Dyantha Brooks: “Oh, oh, oh, how fierce he is.”


Duncan pauses:
