‘Gerard Ekdom is going to get even more money than me!’

Wilfred Genee’s ears are flapping when he hears what Gerard Ekdom will earn at his new employer Radio Veronica. “He’s going to earn more than us!”

© SBS, Elvin Boer

Gerard Ekdom stops as the poster boy for Talpa’s largest radio station Radio 10 to work for Radio Veronica, which has been owned by competitor Mediahuis since last year. It is a pretty sensitive blow and John de Mol is so angry about it that Gerard also has to hand in his work at SBS 6, reports Evert Santegoeds in Show news.

3 million euros

According to Evert, Gerard will really earn a lot of money from the competitor. “Here in Hilversum, stories are circulating that Gerard Ekdom is making some progress,” he says. “He would make 3 million from this deal. 3 million in three years.”

So he has to give up his TV career for that. “It also costs him some things, because he does various TV jobs for Talpa. At that moment Talpa said: ‘Well, then we will stop that too.’”

‘A million’

Gerard is not only switching to Radio Veronica, because NPO Radio 2 DJs Frank van ‘t Hof and Wouter van der Goes will also be working there. “I think those guys earn more than a million, right? That Ekdom and stuff,” notes Telegraaf journalist Valentijn Driessen Today Inside. De Telegraaf, like Radio Veronica, falls under Mediahuis.

Wilfred Genee: “Die Ekdom will really deserve the top prize. More than we earn here!”

Johan Derksen: “Yes, that investment they are making… They want to make something of it.”

‘Very handsome’

Wilfred wonders how this will turn out. “Is it logical for the boys to switch like this? That they want to put that on the map?”

Johan: “I think it’s very clever. They indeed earn a lot. Mediahuis therefore invested heavily to boost that channel, because John de Mol had four channels and Veronica was the worst listened to and he had to divest one channel. Then he did, which makes sense. But they now have a very nice line-up.”

During the night

Johan himself can also be heard on Radio Veronica, every day from 00:00 to 01:00. The station was sold by Talpa last year. “I worked for Talpa at Radio Veronica, but the Telegraaf took over and they have now taken over all those popiejopies, those expensive DJs, and do you know what happened to me?”

Well? “I’ve been relegated to the night hours! I didn’t know that, but if you want to be there before twelve o’clock, you have to broadcast live, because you can always get wrong-way drivers in between. But I record it at home and then you can after twelve o’clock, but not during the day or in the evenings.”

René laughs: “You can record a few wrong-way drivers, right? Hahaha.”
