Geraldine Kemper pelted with a can of beer: ‘Bizarre that I am afraid in my own city’ | show

Geraldine Kemper no longer feels safe in her own city. The presenter writes this in her Instagram Stories on Wednesday, after she was harassed on the street no less than twice on Tuesday evening. “I made eye contact with a young man. Reason enough for him to swear at me and throw a beer can at me.’

Kemper was cycling leisurely through Amsterdam on Tuesday when she saw a man on the way with whom she made eye contact. Not knowing that that went down the wrong way with him. Reason for him to swear at me and throw a beer can at me, writes the presenter in her Instagram Stories. Fortunately, a passerby was on alert who took care of her.

That same day, a few hours later, Kemper came from a meeting and walked back home. The moment she walked into a deserted street, an unknown man walked towards her. ‘I already felt it. Sometimes you feel it. The man walks way too close to me. Hangs around and says in a dirty tone: good evening huh…”

Kemper writes that he was ‘very frightened’, despite the fact that the man continued ‘happily’. This was an ordinary Tuesday. And no, not every day is like that. But it’s still strange that I’m sometimes so scared in my own city.’


Kemper has now received dozens of responses from people who like her Stories ‘Thanks, thanks, thanks for all the kind words and stories you share with me.’

The presenter can hardly comprehend that there are so many people who have experienced the same thing. “Ridiculous,” she concludes.

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