Georgina Verbaan is done with it: ‘Farmers are favored’

Georgina Verbaan believes that climate protesters are dealt with more harshly than protesting farmers. “It is a bit like measuring with double standards. That makes this a worrying time.”


It is a thorn in Georgina Verbaan’s side that climate protesters are being dealt with so harshly. She complains about it in the talk show Khalid & Sophiawhere presenter Khalid Kasem asks her about the news that the police have been reading for weeks in chat conversations of Extinction Rebellion activists.

“No terrorists!”

Khalid can imagine that Georgina is not happy about that. “Extinction Rebellion, you are a member of that. At least, you have great sympathy for that club. Now it turned out that there has been a police operation in which they have read in all kinds of messages that have been exchanged in Telegram groups that are a bit private. Were you shocked when you read that?”

Georgina then: “Well, to be honest, it doesn’t surprise me at all, I have to say. It’s pretty easy to sign up for it. It is much less of a dark organization as, for example, the Public Prosecution Service makes it seem. I think that’s mainly a problem. That people are lifted from their beds and that they are seen as terrorists.”

‘Very crazy’

It is indeed strange, says Khalid. “The strange thing is: in the past, these kinds of resources have almost only been used when it comes to terrorist organizations or what they suspect. It is strange that Extinction Rebellion is included in that list.”

Georgina: “Yes, I think that is absolutely crazy and also… Yes, I don’t want to do two camps or anything, but with the farmers… This has all been announced, it is very peaceful. It is really at the top that no violence is used. And if you see how that went with the farmers and stuff…”

“Land lay flat!”

The farmers went on a lot more rampage, says Georgina. “That has gone on for so long. The whole country was flattened, there were barbecues and things were set on fire. Then I think: it is a bit like double standards.”

It worries her. “That is a worrying time now.”
