George RR Martin is working with Marvel on a new comic book series

George RR Martin is working with Marvel on a new comic book series

George RR Martin has adapted the Wild Cards saga for a new comic book series. This was announced by the comic book publisher Marvel. The saga is a body of work that “consists of more than 25 novels, 20 short stories and was written by more than 40 authors over three decades”.

The Wild Cards series tells an alternate history in which Earth is home to super-powered individuals. If a human becomes infected with the alien “wild card” virus, chances are they will be killed in what the story refers to as “drawing the black queen”.

“Most survivors would mutate into ‘jokers’. A lucky few are called “aces” and are endowed with superpowers that can be used for heroic ends – or villainous ones,” Marvel said in a statement, summing up the storyline.

George RR Martin will now publish this story as a comic for the first time, Marvel further announced. According to the publisher, the limited series will be titled The Drawing of Cards and will be written by noted comic book writer Paul Cornell and illustrated by Mike Hawthorne.

George RR Martin said of the collaboration: “As my fans already know, the Wild Cards universe holds a special place in my heart. So I’m really excited that an industry giant like Marvel wants to make the story comics from the start.”

Paul Cornell added that “Wild Cards” is a unique superhero story and has had a major impact on the genre. It is an honor and a pleasure for him to publish the story at Marvel. He hopes to do justice to the original authors of the series.

The series is scheduled to appear on June 1st. The “Wild Cards” series has been written by several authors in short story anthologies or novels since 1987 and edited by George RR Martin.
