George Michael’s difficult years in a new documentary: “I faked my identity through my success”

Wham members Andrew Ridgeley and George Michael tell the band’s story in a recent Netflix documentary.

George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley gained popularity in the band Wham! Netflix

The story of the pop duo Wham!, which went wild in the 1980s, is delved into in a new documentary that will appear on the Netflix streaming service today, Wednesday.

Both sides of the duo can vote: Andrew Ridgeley and George Michael. Ridgeley provides fresh narration for the documentary, while Michael’s parts, who died in 2016, come from archival footage.

The documentary focuses on the troubled six-year period between 1980 and 1986, when Wham! was in operation. The focus is on Ridgeley and Michael’s friendship.

However, the documentary also ignores Michael’s homosexuality. During the band’s existence, the AIDS epidemic particularly chastised the homosexual population, and Michael struggled in the closet.

Ridgeley describes how chart success was extremely important to Michael. Michael placed more value on the band’s music than Ridgeley.

– I faked an identity through my success, Michael is heard saying.

George Michael, who suffered from drug addiction, died of a heart attack in 2016. PDO

The band achieved success. In the end, however, the band’s shackles were too much and Wham! broke down.

– We had to bring Wham! to a decision so that George could grow into the artist he was meant to be, Ridgeley says in a recent Radio Times in the interview.

In his solo career, George Michael maintained his status as one of pop’s greatest figures. Michael is estimated to have sold up to 125 million records in his career.

Wham! today on Netflix. See program information for streaming services at Telku.
