Geoportal collects thousands of aerial photos from WW1. The google maps from 100 years ago

Geoportal collects thousands of aerial photos from WW1. The google maps from 100 years ago

It is a collaboration between the province of West Flanders, Ghent University, In Flanders Fields Museum, Royal Army Museum, War Heritage Institute and Imperial War Museums.

The photos were taken during World War I to learn more about the enemy’s positions and intentions. The thousands of photos taken then are now digitally available to everyone thanks to the geoportal. “Everyone can now get started with this special archive material. Zoom in on the map of West Flanders and study the overlying historical photos of the front lines and the hinterland”, it sounds. “Did a trench run through your garden? What did the ‘no man’s land’ look like between the lines? Do you recognize the railway lines and the airports? It becomes even more fascinating when you combine several data. Then you get a unique overall picture of the Western Front in Belgium .” (read more below the photo)

The compilers of the geoportal selected images to cover the entire province. Photographs from different war years were chosen for the front lines, so that interested parties can follow the evolution of the landscape. The geoportal is here to consult.
