Genoa-Juve 2-1, goals from Dybala and Gudmundsoon, penalty from Criscito

The former bianconero beats Szczesny from the spot, after Gudmundsoon had recovered the disadvantage signed by Dybala, who in the meantime reached Baggio at 115

Juve is under the illusion of having beaten Genoa in Marassi, and instead in the 96th minute the former Juventus Criscito overturns the result on a penalty, signing the definitive 2-1 for the hosts, who continue to hope for salvation with this victory. Allegri’s team had taken the lead with Dybala in the 48th minute, with the Argentine equaling Baggio’s goal, at 115, in 9th place in the ranking of Juventus top scorers in all competitions. In the 87th minute it was the Icelandic Gudmundsoon, who arrived in January, who scored his first goal in Serie A, signing the momentary equalizer.

Present & absent

Zakaria, Morata and De Ligt initially at rest but present on the bench, not even Danilo, as well as Pellegrini, recovering from a sprained ankle. Outside the usual suspects (Locatelli, Chiesa, McKennie and Kaio Jorge), fresh from returning Cuadrado and De Sciglio, immediately inserted one on the right and the other on the left. In Juve confirmed Miretti as owner and space for Arthur, returning as a starter after 11 ‘in Venice. Opportunities also for Kean and Rugani, also to let the long-term owners catch their breath. In Genoa there is the former Juventus player Criscito, with Hefti on the right and Melegoni in the trio in support of Destro, the only striker.

Wasted opportunities

Starting from the formation, Juve gives the idea of ​​having the head in the Italian Cup final on Wednesday against Inter. Genoa tries them all, supported by the strength of desperation given their position in the standings. And in fact, the best chances of the first half are for the rossoblu brand, starting with Portanova’s great blow in recovery, to which Szczesny says no. But previously Genoa had tried and tried again, shooting several times and earning a long series of set kicks. Juve had started with an excellent opportunity wasted by Kean with a high header, all just a few steps from the goal line. And again the blue grossly misses the stop more or less in the same position, shortly after half an hour. Miretti in mid-wing position runs and pushes, not always with clarity, as usual Vlahovic flaps forward but Dybala hardly supports him, often playing far from the area. And on his only central conclusion, Sirigu goes into a safe grip.

The great comeback

But then, when the second half has just begun, Dybala finds the stroke of a magic wand: an assist from Kean, Joya from the edge, almost from a standstill, lets go an angled right. It is 1-0 for Juve, the goal number 82 for him in Serie A. Juve slows down and plays horizontally, Genoa tries to recover but the disadvantage is a hard blow to be reabsorbed. Yeboah and Ekuban also enter, after Frendrup on the pitch since the start of the second half. And Ekuban almost equalized, before Allegri sent Zakaria and Alex Sandro on the field in place of Arthur and Cuadrado. The game flattens out, Juve controls without worries. And he also goes in search of the double: Dybala tries again, finding the pole to stop the trajectory of his left-footed turn from outside, at 68 ‘, and then again Kean and Vlahovic, before giving way to Morata, have the opportunity to close the match. And instead to reopen it is Genoa, which in the 87th minute finds a draw with Gudmundsoon and even the victory with a penalty by Criscito in the 96th minute, after a foul by De Sciglio on Yeboah. For Genoa it is a great celebration: he can return to hope, and for the former Juventus player it is his personal revenge after the mistake from the spot, at 96 ‘, which last Saturday had condemned the rossoblu to defeat in the derby of the Lanterna.
