Genesis live in Berlin – all information about 2G+ conditions and FFP2 mask requirements

On 07.03. and 08.03. Genesis will perform live at the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Berlin. You can find out here which rules apply and where you can view last-minute changes.

A 2G+ proof is required at the entrance, and FFP2 masks are also mandatory.

Information about 2G+

Only people who are fully vaccinated or who are considered recovered and who can also show a current negative corona test are allowed access to the arena.

Proof of vaccination and recovery will be digitally checked at the entrance, please bring a photo ID with you.

Who doesn’t need a negative test

  • Boosted People
  • Recently recovered (with a minimum of 28 days and a maximum of three months (90 days) of recovery)
  • Fully vaccinated individuals whose last vaccination was more than 14 days but not more than three months ago
  • Pupils from Berlin who are regularly tested at school only need their student ID card

Who needs a negative test

  • Children under 18 (no students)
  • People who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons (and can prove this with a certificate or maternity pass).
  • Fully vaccinated individuals whose last vaccination was more than 3 months and less than 14 days ago.
  • Recovered people who received a dose of vaccine after their recovery and who were vaccinated more than three months ago
  • People who have been shown to have contracted Covid-19 after administration of a vaccine dose, provided the disease was diagnosed more than three months ago

Information about the mask requirement and minimum distance

An FFP2 mask must be worn, both in the entrance area and at the (seating) place. A minimum distance does not have to be observed. Eating and drinking is only allowed at the seat, the mask may be temporarily removed for this.

Children and young people between the ages of 6-13 can choose between an FFP2 mask and a surgical mask. Children under the age of 6 are not allowed to participate.

Further information

In order to reduce the waiting and admission times on site, the organizer asks for early arrival.

Bags and backpacks up to max. A4 size may be brought along, they can be handed in on site for a fee. You can find the house rules of the Mercedes-Benz Arena with further details here.

On the Information portal of the organizer all current regulations and changes can be found here.

The Last Domino? trip
March 7th, 2022 Mercedes-Benz Arena
March 8th, 2022 Mercedes-Benz Arena

Admission: 5.30 p.m
Start: 8 p.m
End: approx. 10.30 p.m
