Generation ZOE: how they converted their followers

To attract the attention, adherence, and in many cases the investment of their recipients, organizations such as the controversial Generation ZoeThey employ mystery, authority, and promises of salvation of all kinds.

They cast an existential anxiety in exchange for structures and certainties. They supplant a supposed solitude sheltering the followers, clients/ and associates in “a new community”. To achieve this, they offer concrete and rapid answers, and promise important social achievementsspiritual, affective and economic.

Those who manage to convert people into followers of their projects, direct their actions on precise objectives: work on anxieties and loneliness of people who are experiencing personal problems, transitions or a crisis.

They offer the promise of transformative healing within the framework of a caring and loving community. Since, supposedly, they will heal the wounds caused by mistakes, failures or the hatred of others. When he arrives at these organizations, the first thing the new member finds is a sense of family and belonging.

In this context, it encourages: the rejection of old values; the acceptance of a new state of life; and the destruction of old ties and social relationships.

It is common for people who are attracted to have a wrong appreciation of the leader of the organization. In many cases your criterion of reality is disturbed, because they attribute to the driver exalted qualities of perfection or grandeur, or simply, they understand that he is always right. They idealize it.

It is expected that the new applicants will constellate economic needs with emotional imbalances of some kind, that fertilize the way so that these “false leaders” can capture their will.

Clouded and almost oblivious to their own reason, they make them capable of reaching the limit of logic, they are even immersed in the so-called “magical thoughts”, which justify without substratum, miraculous results that They guarantee even the delivery of money.

Once they are immersed, your idea is irreducible, and comes to condition their behavior. To the point of ignoring those who try to make them see reality, such as their relatives.

The psychopathic manipulation suffered by the followers of these organizations is notable. They begin as victims, but at the end of the road, when the expected results were not obtained, they become owners of the blame for failure because they didn’t try hard enough.

It is the usual way to become victimizers. The described responds to the so-called alloplastic defenses, typical of the psychopathsin this case suffered by his followers or adepts.

Sadly, experience teaches us that the true victims are fully aware of what they suffered some time later. Sometimes partially, other times totally and almost never on time.

The chances of achieving “uprooting” the beliefs implanted by the leaders of these organizations in their beginnings are very low. Something very obvious or unintelligent should happen for the adept to become disillusioned. Leaders are seductive and they know what to say and how to do it. If they do not lack something, it is observation and this is the basis of intelligence.

by Dr. Rafael Herrera Milano. Forensic psychiatrist expert.

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