General practitioners’ offices in Drenthe cannot be reached by telephone due to server problems

The emergency departments of general practitioners at Drenthe hospitals cannot currently be reached by telephone, reports Doctor Drenthe, who is responsible for general practitioner care in our province.

“We are dealing with a server problem, which means that our emergency posts are not receiving calls,” says spokesperson Joyce van Dijk of Dokter Drenthe. “We don’t yet know how long this will last, but we are working hard to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.”

This concerns the emergency departments of general practitioners at the hospitals in Emmen, Assen, Meppel and Hoogeveen. Van Dijk advises people who want to contact a general practitioner to do so at this time via the digital consultation hours on the Doctor Drenthe website. “There, people can answer various questions via a chat and receive advice on what next steps should be taken. But people with an urgent need for care can also call the hospital receptions and ask for the emergency room of the general practitioners. In this way, they are transferred to the emergency room. it will work,” the spokesperson said.

Doctor Drenthe further emphasizes that in case of real emergency, people should call 112.
