General practitioner Kleve receives Honorary Plume from Nieuw-Weerdinge

Former general practitioner Roelof Kleve received the Nieuw-Weerdinge Medal of Honor last night for his tireless efforts for the village.

The village doctor worked in Nieuw-Weerding between 1977 and 2010 and worked for years after his retirement to improve the quality of life in the village, according to the Pluim Committee.

The doctor started the Kleve Project in 2003, which organized annual projects and excursions with local youth. The aim was to have children make a positive contribution to their environment through, among other things, respectful interaction with others. For example, meetings took place with war refugees and the former Buchenwald concentration camp was visited.

Nieuw-Weerdinge’s compliment was last awarded in 2020. In recent years this was not possible due to corona.
