General elections 23J | The PSC asks to lead from Catalonia a defeat to the PP: “Tremble”

with his last “all red!”the PSC has bolted its election campaign with the tandem between Meritxell Batet and Salvador Illa calling to act as a locomotive PSOE to stop the feet of the pp. They do it with their souls in suspense, because despite the fact that their victory in Cataloniathe question is whether its result will be enough, if it will serve to Pedro Sanchez turn the odds on its head and send the opposition to the right. In the last breath of the contest, the Catalan socialists have sought to instill victory morale and sent a message to the popular: “Tremble, your blood will freeze!”.

What is at stake, they insist, is not minor. They have appealed to vote “massive” next Sunday neither more nor less than in “defense” of democracy. The PSC, which has thrown the aspirated “comeback”, has exhibited in this last act his power within the PSOE at a time when he has lost the baton in large fiefdoms such as Andalusian or Valencian. Batet, in addition to Illa – at the moment, the main great socialist baron that Sánchez has – has surrounded himself with the ministers miquel iceta and raquel sanchez to ask voters to go to the polls on Sunday being aware that the risk of “reversal” It is real, that no right now in force can be given “for granted”.

Illa has given names and surnames to those “risks”: the coexistence in Catalonia, the freedom of creation and consensus as the fight against sexist violence. “They don’t mince a hair in saying that things they will get worse than in 2017 if they govern and censor, they prohibit magazines in a public library”, he recalled trying to shake the vote in fear from that scenario of a PP hand in hand with Vox. The main trick with which they have played in this contest is the useful vote to prevent a Government that they have repeated by active and passive that will be harmful to the interests of the Catalans.

In the last two weeks they have demanded the confidence of voters of the right and left, progressives and moderates and even pro-independence supporters who, in the face of the ERC and Junts division, prioritize guaranteeing that Catalonia “does not pay the price” of having Alberto Núñez Feijóo of president. At the final meeting, hand in hand with the youth of the party, there were no shortage of posters with the mocking slogan ‘Fake-Jóo’ or large posters with the face of Pedro Sánchez. He youth and women’s vote He has been widely questioned before the duel with the PP.

“Good sensations, but without euphoria”

“we finished with good feelings, but without euphoria“, said the leader of the PSC. Because in the machine room on Pallars street there is the conviction that they have done everything in their power and, at the same time, they hold their breath for the verdict of the polls. It has been a campaign to the offensive against the PP and voxmore risque than what both Batet and Salvador Illa anticipated, who has squeezed a profile unusually belligerent -usually never strays from the line of moderation- against Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Also defending a government work in economic matters and the “protection” of citizens in the midst of a pandemic and the effects of a war.

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With these credentials, the PSC is in a position to once again win some general elections in Catalonia. The last time she did it was with Carmen Chacon in front and a record result of 25 deputies. Neither Podemos nor Vox existed at that time, which is why now, with greater fragmentation, the Catalan socialists see a representation of that magnitude as unattainable. But they do aspire to overcome the barrier of 15 deputies -in 2019 they obtained 12- and they place special importance on the differential with respect to PPwho calculate that it should be at least 10 to try to frustrate the expectations of the popular to win at the state level.

Regardless of what happens on Sunday, Illa seeks to complete the triplet after winning the 2021 Catalans and the municipal past and thus swell his career with the presidency of the Generalitat between eyebrows. Of course, being aware that It won’t be the same without the watchtower which means that the Socialists continue to lead the Moncloa.
