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Bolaños makes Feijóo ugly with an “endless lies” in the debate with Sánchez: “Since yesterday he is one more of the extreme right”

He Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolañoshas criticized that the PP candidate, Alberto Núñez Feijóoused a “endless lies” in the face to face with the president of the Government, the socialist Pedro Sánchez, following a strategy of his own, in his opinion, of the extreme right. “Since yesterday Feijóo is one of the extreme right, he has no difference with them, he uses the same techniques,” he has reproached the PP leader. He has accused Feijóo of lie by wielding in the debate that Sánchez is the president with whom the least employment has been created, with the one with which there are fewer self-employed workers or with which the price of energy has quadrupled.

bolanos has differentiated the attitude of Sánchez, who tried to explain his management at the head of the Government with economic growth and progress in rights as achievements, compared to that of Feijóo, who displayed a “Never-ending cascade of hoaxes, falsehoods and trollies”. “To an extent that is worrying for our democracy,” she added.
