General Elections 2023 | ERC calls to stop a socialist victory in Catalonia: “It would be a national humiliation”

Elbowing against him PSOE and add. This is how ERC tries to break through in a campaign of the elections where there are two great dangers: the pro-independence abstention that punished him in the municipal elections and the useful vote to which the state left appeals to stop the right. The Republicans they have brought out all their artillery from the first minute to defend that it is they, and not the PSC or the Comuns, who will not have any temptation to agree with the PP and Vox, who will “roll up their sleeves” so that the Catalans live better and those who they will unequivocally defend the referendum. The ERC candidate, Gabriel Ruffianhas asked voters not to surrender at the feet of the “white lies” of a “Sumar que subtracta” nor those of the socialists, whose victory he has said would be a “national humiliation”.

The polls indicate that satisfying this claim seems difficult, since up to now all of them predict a new victory for the PSC, with the president of Congress, Meritxell Batet, in front. The purpose of the Republicans is to mobilize their own by sharpening their pro-independence profile, but also to stop leaks towards socialists and En Comú Podem. “Live Irene Monteroyou cannot add by subtracting and leaving yours in the ditch”, Rufián snapped. “The Spanish left too often renounces their objectives to accommodate the regime”, the party leader has also charged, oriol junqueras.

In a rally in which all their heavyweights have exhibited, the common thread has been to try to explain what it is for to vote for ERC in the next general elections, a role in which the ‘president’ has taken special care Pere Aragones going up on stage with Junqueras and the general secretary, Martha Rovira, on screen from Geneva. Trying to get rid of complexes of yesteryear, they have puffed up their chests for having uprooted the pardons, the dialogue table, but also laws such as housing, the trans law, the increase in the minimum wage or the revaluation of pensions.

In addition to defending his government’s agenda, Aragonès has also thrown darts against the PSOE, whom he accuses of “leaving the Catalans down” with issues such as Rodalies, and against Yolanda Diaz on account of his rejection of the referendum. “The independence movement must mobilize massively as it did on 1-O”, he has shouted from the lectern. And Rovira has finished off that reference by advocating, once again, for a unity of the pro-independence parties that has not been possible at a programmatic level in these elections either and that threatens to once again be one of the ‘leitmotifs’ of Junts. There has also been a message to the expresident Carlos Puigdemontwho has reproached that “make repression trivial” when he insinuates that from Switzerland he has renounced the political battle.

Irony of fate, the meeting has been through water since the ‘ex-minister’ of Acció Climàtica Teresa Jorda, number two on the list, has risen to the lectern. She herself has joked with the coincidence. Her words have also taken the form of a downpour against her political opponents, of whom she has said that “Sumar looks more and more like the PSOE, the PSOE more and more like the PP and the PP more and more like Vox” . Faced with this game of similarities, ERC tries to vindicate itself, to whom the journalist and number three of the candidacy, Francesc Marc Alvarohas defined as “3 in 1” -name of a famous multipurpose oil- in these elections because it serves to “stop the right”, to defend “non-rhetorical independence” and to achieve “concrete things” in Congress.

Together, to the jugular of ERC

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This is the differential factor that the Republicans will claim against Junts, which aspires to once again be the reference party for independence. The head of the post-convergent list, Miriam Noguerashas gone out for the jugular from the first minute, making it clear that it will be them, and not ERC, who will put a “highest price” if a possible negotiation is decisive. Until now, while it has been the Republicans who have raised the banner of dialogue, they have vilified this option on account of the scant achievements that they attribute to the dialogue table. “If it depends on us, everything will change. In Madrid, and in Catalonia”, he has sentenced.

And it is that, if at the state level the framework of the campaign is a dilemma between PSOE and PP, in the independence movement the merciless battle between ERC and Junts also continues to operate.
