General Elections 2023 | ERC and Bildu claim to be the ones that “force” the PSOE to agree to their left

The feeling is from “play it all”. The resolution of the political conflict through dialogue, the advantage that they have achieved in recent years versus togetherthe advances in social and national matters and, also, they recognize, the same Government of the Generalitat. ERC has brought out all the artillery at the central campaign rally with the intention of get rid of complexes and vindicate the legacy of its performance in Congress in this legislature as a key party of the majority that has supported the Government of Pedro Sanchez and before a left, that of the PSC and Comuns, which he accuses of “branch agent” when it comes to defending the interests of the Catalans. An exercise in disinhibition in the face of the Junts attacks that he has carried out together with Bildu, with whom he has established himself as the champion who “forces” the PSOE to agree to his left before the impulses that they attribute to the socialists to look to the right.

“Everything good that has happened in this legislature is because the Catalan and Basque left-wing independence movement has not only negotiated, but has forced the PSOE to do so. We are not responsible for their decisions, but for some of your good corrections“, has been hoarse in defending the candidate of CKD, Gabriel Ruffian, in an act outside the doors of the Born Cultural Center that has brought together, according to party estimates, some 1,200 people. Republicans have sought to lift the pride in the face of discouragement and abstentionand they have done it together with a Arnaldo Otegi that he has known how to make electorally profitable in Euskadi against the PNV his pactism in Madrid in these last four years. Trying to emulate that path, Ruffian has emphasized that don’t think “apologize” for doing politics.

“We’re the multinational lefts the ones that tip the balance. We will always be on the side of the left, without complexes and with determination”, has defended the leader of the Abertzale left trying to insufflate oxygen to an ERC that after winning in 2019 now aspires, according to all the polls, to be second behind the psc. From the rise in pensions to the minimum wage, from the housing law to the ‘only yes is yes’ law, the trans law, the science law, the audiovisual law or the democratic memory law. Beyond the aspired referendum, the party of oriol junqueras has openly claimed the co-paternity of this government work, which underline that, without them or Bildu, it would not have been possible.

“No fear” of PP and Vox

Neither the PSOE nor Sumar are, in the opinion of ERC and Bildu, a true left. In fact, they have emerged as the only ones capable of stopping the “reactionary bloc” in which both the PP and Vox are found. In fact, they have recalled the abstention of the Socialists that allowed the investiture of Mariano Rajoy in 2016, but also how the former lehendakari patxi lopezwho has proclaimed in this campaign a resounding ‘no’ to allowing Alberto Núñez Feijóo being president, he governed in his day in Euskadi with the popular ones.

To ERC, Junqueras has said, it does not give “no fear” a government of PP and Vox because, he said, “they have governed other times”, only before they were in the “same candidacy” which they have “defeated” on two occasions: in 2004, when they supported the investiture de Zapatero, and in 2018, when they voted in favor of Sánchez’s motion of no confidence. A way to get chest that your file is free from collusion with the rightsomething that, they have come to say looking at the socialists, but also at Junts as heirs of Convergència, they consider that others cannot say.

“The Spanish left has resigned from being left”, has sentenced the general secretary of ERC, Martha Rovira, that she has remembered that if she continues in Switzerland it is for a cause, that of the Tsunami, with which “it has nothing to do”. And the ‘president’ Pere Aragones He has also charged against the Socialists on account of the drought law that the Government proposes to take to the Constitutional Court if no modifications are made. “Between defending the interests of Catalonia and the Spain unitthey always choose the unity of Spain”, the ‘president’ reproached the Socialists.

Plug leaks and drive away abstention

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nor branchesnor parties that decide their vote in an office in Madrid, nor frivolities nor empty slogans”, Rufián concluded, seeking to cover all fronts: breaking the dichotomy of the useful vote, shielding the voting borders with Comuns and Junts and scaring away abstention.

Although it does not give electoral revenue to express it before the microphones, behind the scenes the Republicans admit that a PP government with the extreme right would open a devastating stage for their interests. The fate of the Socialists also depends on the fate of ERC. And vice versa, even though campaign. But given the forecast of the polls, the Catalan left, like the Basque, prepare their barracks. “Catalonia and the Basque Country will be painted in a different color on the map”, warned Otegi, who has defended that this will be a stamp that will be useful for claim self-determination on an international scale. Opportunities, he said, will come, but you have to “build” them and, added Ruffian, not wait for them to arrive “from the sofa”.
