gender violence | European innovation against gender violence begins in Alcorcón

03/21/2023 at 07:41


The Atenpro State Coordination Center will combine telephone assistance to victims with innovative research

Three thousand square meters for the attention and protection of victims and also to the investigation of all sexist violence thanks to the use of the latest artificial intelligence and big data technologies: Alcorcón will house from 2024 a pioneering center which aspires to be an international reference for comprehensive intervention against gender violence.

The future Atenpro State Coordination Center (CECA), a project under the Ministry of Equality and managed by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), will be a reality thanks to European funds, as it is part of the Recovery Plan. Spain is the only country of the European Union that has included in these funds a project against sexist violence.

source of knowledge

“It will be the unique resource in the world, which will allow the comprehensive intervention to be personalized from the local level and will seek to become the most innovative and pioneering source of public knowledge in the fight against violence against women. (…) It will be a European reference for the fight and awareness against women and for intervention with victims”, stress sources from the Ministry of Equality.

But what exactly will CECA consist of?

In these facilities will be located the Telephone Assistance and Protection Service for victims of gender violence (Atenpro)in operation since 2004 and which faces the challenge of extending its action beyond partner abuse to all victims of all forms of sexist violence, as 016 has already done.

In addition to caring for women and their sons and daughters, research will be another pillar of CECA, which will have a big data analysis center and another for studies and training in sexist violence to train local entities in this matter. It is also planned to create a international documentary fundinforms the department of Irene Montero.

The big data will be used for the analysis of data collected from Atenpro on issues such as the health of the users, the repeated violence, the impact of the service at the local level and the use of digital tools in the rural environment. For its part, artificial intelligence will be used in order to assess the risk of abuse to which the victims are exposed.

Are 32 million euros to be invested in the modernization and improvement of Atenpro, part of them destined to the promotion of this center and the creation of a digital platform for the service. This investment pursues a comprehensive improvement of the service: its extension to all victims and technological improvement.

A challenge for municipalism

And why is CECA going to be in Alcorcón?

Because the Madrid town has given up the space for free to house this center. Specifically, one of the buildings of the CREAA complex (Centro de Creación de las Artes de Alcorcón), a great architectural work that was never used.

The municipal spokesperson and councilor for Finance, Procurement and Heritage of Alcorcón, Candelaria Testa, explains to The Newspaper of Spain that the establishment of CECA in Alcorcón is “a magnificent opportunity to be the epicenter of gender equality policies and the prevention of sexist violence”.

Testa points out that the center will address prevention, analysis, awareness, intervention and attention to victims. “It is going to be a unique center in Europe, it is going to centralize all the actions against violence in the same headquarters so that the different professional profiles can be coordinated in a more effective way”, he points out.

The councilor anticipates that the space conditioning works will begin in July and be ready by the end of the year so that the center can be operational in the first quarter of 2024.

A few days ago, at a press conference, the general secretary of the FEMP, Carlos Daniel Casares, also boasted that the center “is going to be pioneer in Europe“, since it will delve into the investigation and analysis of the different types of violence against women thanks to the implementation of “a comprehensive monitoring system with artificial intelligence and big data.” This, he stated, will help both to better protect the victims and to prevent this violence.

Casares assured that the national center will be “a challenge for municipalism”, since it aspires to coordinate the entire territory while close to the management of local entities and will be in direct contact with women’s associations.

Atenpro telephone service

Atenpro is a telephone service for the attention and protection of victims of gender violence (women and their sons and daughters) that is available 24 hours and 365 days a year for accompaniment and rapid response to crisis situations.

As of January 31, 2023, they were listed as users 17,172 victims, 3% more than in the same period of the previous year. To date, the service only attends to women who suffer or have suffered violence by a partner or ex-partner, but it will be extended to all forms of sexist violence “with a feminist approachintersectional and human rights”.

Each woman who is registered with the service receives a mobile device that is used both to contact Atenpro professionals and to issue their location in case of urgent need.

Women can call the service in case of any eventuality or emergency and also receive periodic calls from Atenpro professionals to make a monitoring your situationtake an interest in their physical and mental state and provide them with accompaniment and care for your recovery.

According to the Government Delegation against Gender Violence, which has jurisdiction over this service, Atenpro’s fundamental objective is “for the victim to feel safe and accompanied during the process that allows them to resume control of their lives by facilitating contact with a safe environment and enabling immediate intervention, with the mobilization of the care resources that may be necessary”.

Victims who are attended by regional resources against gender violence and that they do not live with their aggressors. They can request integration into the social or equality services of the city councils.

Ask for help

He 016 attends to the victims of all forms of violence against women. It is a free and confidential phone that provides service in 53 languages ​​and leaves no trace on the bill. Information is also provided via email. [email protected] and counseling and psychosocial care through the WhatsApp number 600 000 016. In addition, minors can contact the ANAR telephone number 900202010.

Victims of abuse who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or deafblind can call 016 with 900 116 016SVisual, ALBA, Telesor, ATENPRO and the PorMí app. All resources against gender violence.
