Gender violence | A man arrested in Madrid for shooting his partner through a door

Act at 15:04


The victim was injured in the shoulder last Saturday in a house in Las Rozas | The defendant was arrested on Tuesday, three days after the attempted murder

The Civil Guard, in collaboration with the Local Police of Las Rosas (Madrid), has arrested a 42-year-old man accused of shooting his partner through a doora 41-year-old woman who turned out minor shoulder injury.

As reported this Wednesday by the Madrid Command, the aggressor, of Spanish nationality and accused of attempted murder, was arrested on Tuesday, three days after the eventand has already entered provisional prison.

The events took place early in the morning of last Saturday in one of the houses on Martín Iriarte street, in the urbanization of Las Mataslocated in the Madrid municipality of Las Rozas.

According to initial investigations, the couple had a strong argument after the now detainee had spent the night partying in the Torrelodones area.

During the fight, the alleged aggressor pulled out a 22 caliber gunmoment in which his partner, also Spanish, broke free and locked himself in one of the rooms of the building.

It was then that the man fired a projectile through the door of the room, which hit the victimto -already at a lower speed- on the shoulder.

The doctors from Summa 112 traveled to the place, The victim was treated for the gunshot wound. and transferred her in a mild condition to the Puerta de Hierro hospital in Majadahonda.

His partner had already fledso the Civil Guard started the investigations to find his whereabouts.

From the same Saturday, a strong joint device of the Benemérita and the Local Police remained active in the surroundings of the municipality, which bore fruit this Tuesday with the arrest of the man.

In the registration of your home an illegal marijuana crop was found, as well as 1.2 kilos of buds from the same plant.

The detainee is accused of crimes of attempted homicide, mistreatment in the family, illegal possession of weapons, omission of the duty of assistance and against public health.
