Gender gap and work: Goal 5 meetings in Rome

dtwo intense days to confront, discover and discuss the theme of the gender gap. The second edition of Objective 5 is about to start, with a program richer than ever (and completely free). The very topical theme is how to try to implement the United Nations Objective 5, which aims to «achieve gender equality and self-determination for all women and girls». For sure, there is still a lot to do.

A bridge with young people

We have decided, also this year, to compare teachers, journalists and experts with the students of the La Sapienza University of Rome, the largest in Europe. We want to build a bridge with the new generations, with those who are building their own future, also by explaining the many aspects of the world of work.

The campus opens on Thursday 9 in the Aula Magna, in the Rectoratewith the live investigation Women will inherit the earth. From the First World War to the Third Millennium. To introduce the day, there will be speeches by Antonella Polimeni, rector of SapienzaBarbara Stefanelli, deputy director of Corriere della Sera, Danda Santini, director of iO Donna, Valeria Manieri, co-founder of the civic media The contemporary ones. To follow, the lectio magistralis of Aldo Cazzullo.

Among the workshops of the day (which will take place in the Literature and Law classrooms), the one with Lilia Giugni, author of the essay The network will not save us (Longanesi), and the podcaster Rossella Pivanti interviewed by Cristina Lacava, of iO Donnaon the topic: Is the internet sexist?.

Surveys and workshops

Emma Bonino. (photo by Marco Piraccini/Marco Piraccini Archive/Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)

Also worth noting the interview with Emma Bonino and the one with the podcaster Rossella Pivanti. To close the day, at the Ateneo Theater, a stand-up comedy show with Daniele Fabbri, Liliana Fiorelli, Paola Michelini and Stefano Rapone.

Gender Gap: philosophers and economists

Friday opens with a live investigation into The urgency of the Italian wage question, the causes of the gender gap in the labor market. What tools to change pace? Participating, among others, Pina Picierno, vice president of the European Parliament, Magda Bianco, economist of the Bank of Italy, the professor Azzurra Rinaldi and Stefano Scarpetta, director for employment, labor and social affairs of the OECD.

Among the other appointments, it is worth mentioning the one with the philosopher of science Telmo Pievani, the one on Is leadership a gender issue? with Ferruccio de Bortoli and Ilaria Bertini, director of the Energy Efficiency Unit Department of Enea, and work after the pandemic, with labor law professor Michel Martone and sociologist Domenico De Masi. Finally, sociolinguist Vera Gheno will speak on The gender perspective in broad language.

Women and work: female employment numbers are improving

One to One Dating

In addition to the workshops and surveys, the program includes numerous other events not to be missed. Friday 10 you can participate in the Metaverse Dome Experience at the square of the Minerva.

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Furthermore, both Thursday and Friday, the One to One will take place, already successfully “run in” in the first edition: Fill in your CV and prepare for the job interview, by Adecco; Test your professional English, by EF; Digital skills and jobs of the future, managed by LV8 Fondazione Vodafone. Finally, the “Off Campus” courses in room T1, edited by The contemporary ones.

For info and registration

