Gender equality: where are we?

Noleaps and bounds have been made in recent years. Now is the time to move forward. As? It will be discussed on Tuesday 21st at the event Equality that generates. The importance of gender equality in business and politics 75 years after women entered Parliamentevent open to all organized by the Honorable Elena Bonettiformer Minister of Equal Opportunities and the Family, in collaboration with Comin & Partners (to register, just send an email to [email protected]).

Elena Bonetti, former Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family. You organized the event on gender equality to be held on Tuesday 21st in Rome.

«The first national strategy for gender equality was launched with the Draghi government», explains Elena Di Giovanni, vice president and co-founder of the communication consultancy company Comin & Partners, and creator of the event. «Thanks to Europe, the issue has become one of the priorities of the Pnrr. Elena Bonetti, as minister, has done a lot, for example by developing the guidelines for gender equality in the public administration. Also important is the Family Act and, together with the deputy Chiara Gribaudo, she managed to pass the equal pay».

Much still remains to be done. In politics, the percentage of women in Parliament, 75 years after their entry, is still only 31 percentand after the last national election it fell for the first time in 20 years. Out of 146 countries, Italy is only in 40th place in this field. «But now we have a woman Prime Minister and a woman secretary of the first opposition party, a favorable condition for continuing to keep the spotlight focused. This is why the presence on Tuesday of the Minister of Labor and Social Policies Marina Calderone is important».

The poster of the event on gender equality to be held on Tuesday 21st in Rome.

As for the issue of work, it must be said that in recent years, both for the measures favorable to those who achieve gender equality, and for greater awareness, and again for a different perception of work per se, it is true that many companies have begun to engage. And not just to receive the certification of gender equality, but also for a deeper reflection on female employment and its usefulness to promote growth. Indeed, according to the Diversity Brand Index, the most inclusive brands manage to perform as much as 23 percent better than their competitors. Investing in women pays off across the board, from young women to top managers.

«To discuss it we will have, among others, Rosalba Benedetto of Banca Ifis, one of the first certified banks, Eleonora Santi of Philip Morris Italia, another company on track on the subject, Monica Lucarelli, councilor for Equal Opportunities of the Municipality of Rome as public administration, and Paola Mascaro for an international perspective», adds Elena Di Giovanni.

“Our goal is to exit the event on Tuesday with ideas and proposals to carry on the battle for gender equality».

