Gender equality, the Accademia della Crusca rejects the schwa

Noor at schwa and garlic asterisks, no to the article in front of female names (Meloni, Schlein) e no to rhetorical reduplication (citizens and female citizens, daughters and sons).

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Yes, however, to professional names inflected in the feminine, such as «magistrate” And “this time». On gender equality the Accademia della Crusca dictates the line also to the Cassation. But in a specific field.

The Accademia della Crusca rejects the “schwa”

This concerns the area of ​​law and the administration of justice. In fact, «to those who work in the bureaucracy of public institutions you are required to write clearly and concisely» says Claudio Marazzini, president of the Accademia della Crusca.

Therefore they are «absolutely to be excluded the use of graphic signs that have no correspondence in speech, like the asterisk in place of the endings endowed with morphological value.

On gender equality, the Accademia della Crusca also dictates the line to the Cassation. But the indications are only for the writing of judicial documents. (Getty Images)

The indications are valid only in the field of law

These are some instructions for writing legal documentsrespectful of gender equality, coming from the linguists of the Accademia della Crusca, solicited by a request from the Equal Opportunities Committee of the Governing Council of the Cassation.

La Crusca, however, wishes to underline that these indications they don’t apply in general, but are essentially related to the realm of professional writing with the aim of giving it homogeneity.

The Accademia della Crusca: radicalization linked to fashions

Basically, the Academy he does not at all agree with those who believe it is discrimination any eventual asymmetry that distinguishes the reference to the two male-female genders and therefore wants to eliminate it.

But, as modern neuroscience does, it instead questions the fact that “language is in itself a conditioning” and believes that «the corrections of the alleged distortions of the traditional language are in part the result of a radicalization linked to cultural trends».

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And it is precisely on this basis that the Linguistic Institution has suggested this series of «practical indications» to the Cassation. Among which the best ones so that all genres feel represented, I am the masculine plural unmarkedtherefore, for example by replacing “workers” with “employees”.

AND the feminine declension when referring to the names of professions. So no impediment to magistrate, lawyer, defender, public prosecutor, chancellor, brigadier, prosecutor, questora. “Do they sound bad? – concludes Marazzini – It’s just a matter of habit».

