Gen Alpha, what do today’s girls want?

Mathematics, sport, technology. They know they can do anything and any job they want. They want to be listened to and prefer holidays, trips and animals to electronic games. They are the new girls of the Alpha generation just as their portrait emerges from Global research conducted in 18 countries by GWI-SeeHer on very young people aged 8 to 15, including Italians, reported by Ansa.

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Gen Alpha girls know what they want

The survey revealed that 53% of very young girls think that girls can do any job they want, a figure that grows by 12% in a year, and 24% believe that anyone can become famous. What if the desire to have their say distinguishes the very youngall Gen Alpha, females and males, are interested in mathematics, sports, IT (information technology) and computing, but also in the arts and history.

Royal encounters are back in fashion

There is certainly great interest in coding and programming systems, explain GWI analysts, but the interesting thing is that there is great enthusiasm towards real activities which are back in vogue as opposed to the Covid period, in which kids were focused on the virtual world. Even Italian girls and boys, the survey attests, they prefer to chat with their friends in person rather than online both after school and on weekends.

They know they can do any job they want and prefer holidays, trips and animals to electronic games. They are the new girls of the Alpha generation (Getty)

The attraction for electronic games decreases and the attraction for animals increases

As proof of the change, the study highlights how the love of electronic games for boys and girls born since 2012 has fallen from 5th place to 8th in their priorities in the last year, replaced by the desire for holidays and the love of pets.

There’s no joking about equality and climate for Gen Alpha

Finally, very young and very young they don’t joke about equality and they believe that helping people is on the podium of important things. The representation of all ethnicities, shapes and diversities must be guaranteed in films, advertisements and shows. They believe that climate change is an emergencyand they want their generation to be considered and listened to by society, that their opinions are shared. They care about the planet and are careful about waste.

