Gemeentelijke Kredietbank (GKB) is making a loss again: a nine-ton deficit by 2022

The Gemeentelijke Kredietbank (GKB) Drenthe has existed for more than forty years and helps people with debts or financial problems that they can no longer solve themselves. The credit bank is located in Assen on the Overcingellaan, and is a government institution that helps residents in fourteen municipalities with debt problems.

The GKB is involved in income management, debt prevention and social lending. They also practice protective orders, which are assigned by judges. The credit bank then takes over the financial accounting of people who cannot do it themselves.

The municipalities of Assen, Hoogeveen and Meppel are the three owners of the credit bank through a joint arrangement. Eleven other municipalities, in Drenthe, Groningen and Overijssel, have a service agreement with the GKB. They pay for the work that the credit bank does for their residents, but have no further financial responsibility for the ins and outs of the GKB.

In our province, the GKB works for Aa en Hunze, Assen, Borger-Odoorn, Hoogeveen, Meppel, De Wolden, Tynaarlo and Westerveld.
