Gelderland wants money from the government and sticking to its own nitrogen policy | NOW

Gelderland wants to stick to its own nitrogen measures and wants money from the government to implement the measures. A proposal for this was adopted on Wednesday evening by a majority of the Provincial Council.

The motion ‘Gelderland deserves a Gelderland approach to nitrogen’ was supported by both conservative (CDA, VVD, SGP, 50PLUS and ChristenUnie) and progressive parties (GroenLinks, PvdA, D66 and SP). The motion was submitted by the SGP.

The party says that this sends “a strong signal” to The Hague. “Bring money on the bridge so that we can continue with the policy we have initiated!”, is the appeal to the central government.

The provincial government of Gelderland already reported last month that it did not agree with part of Minister Christianne van der Wal’s nitrogen approach. And especially in the percentages mentioned by which nitrogen emissions from agriculture in the Gelderse Vallei and on and around the Veluwe must be reduced, as a result of which many farms are expected to disappear.

Earlier, the province already came up with its own nitrogen approach. According to deputy Peter Drenth, the national targets for nitrogen reduction are achieved in this, “without emptying our rural area”. The Gelderland parties are now calling on the provincial government to stick to its own approach and to press the minister for more money for implementation.

About 200 farmers had come to the Gelderse provincial house in Arnhem for the meeting. According to mayor Ahmed Marcouch, the atmosphere was friendly. At the end of the evening the farmers left again.
