Gelderblom young alderman in Heerlen on behalf of the small left | 1Limburg

PvdA member Casper Gelderblom is the most striking name in the new aldermen’s team of the municipality of Heerlen.

It was announced on Friday.

The 27-year-old Gelderblom becomes alderman on behalf of the three one-person factions of PvdA, GroenLinks and Party for the Animals (PvdD). He will be given the housing, environment and circularity portfolio. He will also be responsible for services and waste processing. Gelderblom used to be a board member of the Heerlen department of the PvdA. He is currently a researcher at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. He is also a campaign coordinator for an international trade union federation.

Amazon union
In that capacity, he is involved in, among other things, setting up a trade union for employees of the American online store Amazon. It has a new large distribution center at the cross-border business park Avantis in Heerlen.

Best city in the world
Gelderblom says in a response that he cannot wait to start his aldermanship. “For me, Heerlen is the best city in the world. I therefore consider it a huge honor to be able to dedicate myself as an alderman for the city in the coming years,” said Gelderblom.

Other aldermen
The names of the 4 other aldermen are not surprising. Jordy Clemens and Peter van Zutphen remain aldermen for the SP. Clemens was the SP leader for the first time in the elections in March. Martin de Beer will again become alderman on behalf of VVD/D66.

New councilor CDA
Marco Peters of the CDA starts his first period. He takes the place of Charles Claessens. That was sidetracked after the elections by a majority of the party of the CDA.

Marco Peters
Peters was party leader in March and party leader in the previous term of office. He has been given the portfolio of spatial planning, mobility and policy on the elderly, among other things. Martin de Beer will remain responsible for the economy, the labor market and sport. He will also be coordinating the stimulation policy for Heerlen-North.

Councilors SP
SP alderman Jordy Clemens will keep education and culture in his portfolio. He also gets center development. Until now, that was with SP alderman Peter van Zutphen. He in turn takes over the youth portfolio from Clemens. Van Zutphen will also remain responsible for social policy, such as the Social Support Act and the fight against poverty.

‘Out of Love for our City’
The coalition agreement of SP, CDA, VVD/D66, Hoensbroeks Belang, PvdA, GroenLinks and the Party for the Animals has been given the title ‘Out of Love for our City’. The parties state that they opt for a solid social policy, liveable neighborhoods and further strengthening Heerlen as a cultural city. Heerlen-Noord, the further renovation of the center, radical greening and combating energy poverty are also an important part of their policy.

Elderly Party Heerlen
The new coalition and the agreement came about in less than a week after the Elderly Party Heerlen (OPH) left the negotiations last weekend. The largest party felt that its wishes with regard to portfolio allocation had not been sufficiently met.

Approval of coalition agreement
Next week, the departments of the parties involved still have to give their approval to the coalition agreement. The intention is that it will be approved in the council meeting on 8 June and that the aldermen will also be installed.

The new coalition can count on 22 of the 37 seats in the city council.
