Geen alien, we have a reuzenhaai: the mystery of this land in England | Dieren

The previous building was in New Brighton, a bathroom in the north-west of Engeland, and a large area. Door of the state of ontbinding was het ther niet direct te herkennen en zag het he redelijk mysterieus uit, he was as quickly as the round of the deden over an alien, a zeemonster of zelfs a local variant of the monster of Loch Ness. The bleek really comes from a reuzenhaai te gaan, a bereigde thersoort the onze bescherming nodig heeft.

The carcass will be noted by Stephen Davies, a plaatselijke bewoner, tijdens zijn ochendloop. Once he had the idea that he had an idea, Davies went straight to the viewer, who knew that he had a reuzenhaai (Cetorhinus maximus) affected. This will also be visited by Chris Cureton, co-ordinator of British Divers Marine Life Rescue for North West England. The height of the sea was 4.5 meters long and it was very young. Reuzenhaaien can be called sea and 10 meters long and sea and 5 ton ways, which hen the title of tweede largest vis op aarde oplevert. Walvishaai’s grandson is bigger.

The door has a large cave and a wide area, gaping water, will be described for a long time as gevaarlijke zeemonsters. The image will never be heard from the gigantic carcasses which are attached to the toe. There are a lot of great sea-lengths of a prehistoric Plesiosaurus in there. The reality is completely different. Net than the whale and the river is the river a filter water, which, slowly clamping water in its water, produces enormous amounts of water and keeps plankton in its tracks. This means that it runs in the warmer open-air water, which is why the water can be used for swimming.

How it was built for today is relatively popular in the summer, along the coast of South West England, Wales, West Scotland and the island of Man. During the winter it can be made even smaller, now there is a storm in the sky, which means there is a lot of water in New Brighton. But the Belgian art can also be a suitable reuzenhaai spotten, but that is also the case. Spijtig suffice it to say that the reuzenhaaien of the coming years were still in zeldzamer zullen. The immediate name is with the right hand, which means the door is overbevissed for the windows and levers, the boats are used, the netting is done in a nice way and the view is visible. In the European Union, the yacht on the boat is in use, and the hope is the same as the boat.

The area in England is now in the immediate vicinity of many people with the verbeelding spreekt and also for wet weather, it is a fascinating sight. A recent study on how to make a difference in the water and the warm-blooded views is. This other language is really necessary for a better knowledge and protection, the mystery of the mystery can still be heard for a long time.

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