GDP of sport: Italy fourth in Europe. Fly Germany, surprise Austria

A study on the economic dimension of sport presented by ICS. President Abodi: “Important social immune defense”. Vezzali: “Sport is a fundamental contribution to GDP as and more than other sectors”

Fourth in the European ranking of the total “sporting” GDP where, however, we are at a fifth of the German numbers and just over half of the French and British ones, and thirteenth in that per capita in a ranking led by an unexpected leader: ‘Austria, a specialist in putting its territory to good use in terms of tourism and sports. In fact, the contribution of sport to the total GDP in Vienna reaches 4.12 compared to 3.90 in Germany, while Italy is at 1.32 with 21.2 billion euros. The figures refer to 2019 and it will be interesting to check who paid the most after the Covid storm. The numbers were presented this morning by the Istituto per il Credito Sportivo as part of a study, subject to continuous updating, on “The GDP of Sport / The economic dimension of the sport sector in Italy”.


For Andrea Abodi, president of ICS, “sport is one of the main” social immune defenses “, a strategic factor for pursuing the goal of improving the quality of life, which requires us to have an ever greater and deeper knowledge of the social and economic dimension of the sector to refine and coordinate policies, configure new tools and harmonize and improve existing ones “. Valentina Vezzali, Undersecretary for Sport, underlines that the research “confirms that the sport system contributes to the formation of national GDP on a par with and more than other economic sectors”. Vito Cozzoli, president of Sport and Health, is convinced that “there is no more driving and exciting sector than sport”.


Among the numbers cited by Professor Giorgio Alleva in his more detailed illustration there are also those relating to “sporting” employment. Which generates 420 thousand employees. Numbers perhaps underestimated and which could be strengthened by the reform of sports work and the emergence of tens of thousands of workers who are now “ghost” in terms of protection. The fact is that in this ranking of contribution to employment, Italy even falls to nineteenth place with Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden in the first five places. Surprisingly, education is the sector in which the “sporting” incidence is highest. Far behind, on the other hand, is the infrastructural sector that something moves with the investments of the PNRR. However, Italy is in the lead among the major European countries in the ranking of the percentage incidence of turnover and the value of production of the manufacturing industry l. In short, sport in Italy represents an important economic dimension, but there is a great potential for growth that has not yet translated into social results. With the hope that the future, any new government that arrives, can remember this hope.
