Gazzetta Sportsdays, Cairo to Palermo: “Growth opportunity for young people”

After the delivery of the Sports Awards in Segesta, the days reserved for activities and talks with the champions inaugurated in the green area by the sea

From our correspondent Andrea Buongiovanni

October 22

The sea, as always, makes the difference. And if the day is summer, with temperatures close to 30 degrees although it is late October, the suggestion is enormous. The 40,000 square meters of the Foro Italico Palermo, for a long weekend, are transformed into a large open-air gym. Merit of SeeSicily Gazzetta Sports Days: after the awards ceremony on Thursday evening at the Archaeological Park of Segesta – with Marcell Jacobs and Bennedetta Pilato awarded as man and woman of the year – they continue in the green space on the seafront so dear to the citizens of the capital Sicilian, renamed Sport Tourism Arena, with a series of prestigious talks with stars of the past and present (free admission) and lots of spaces for activities. Yesterday, among others, it was the turn of Vincenzo Nibali, Ferdinando De Giorgi and Giacomo Agostini. Today will be the turn of Clemente Russo (at 12), of Manuel Bortuzzo and Aldo Montano (at 15) and of Elisa Di Francisca and Rossella Fiamingo (at 16.30).

for all tastes

The organization curated by Rcs Sports & Events and La Gazzetta dello Sport, in collaboration with the Sicilian Region and Sport and Health, around the stage, has placed seventeen discipline camps involving sixteen city, elementary and middle schools and a total of 1200 between children and teenagers. They range from climbing to athletics, from basketball to volleyball, from rugby to handball, from volleyball to football, from fencing to soccer, from rollers to sailing, from canoeing to rowing. There is something for everyone.

Present and future

“Being here – said Urbano Cairo, president and CEO of RCS Mediagroup on the occasion of the inauguration ceremony – is a beautiful thing. For the welcome and for how the Foro Italico was set up, with many young people who try their hand at activities It is an opportunity for growth for everyone. Sport, at every level, also gives lessons to those who do not become champions: the ability to never give up, for example, is useful in all fields. After the magnificence of the Temple of Segesta, finding yourself in this amazing scenario is a privilege. Being there is a great joy and a great celebration “. To the point that, not surprisingly, the hypothesis is already advanced that this sort of number zero of the Gazzetta Sport Days could have a sequel. “Between us and the Sicilian Region – says Cairo – there is a great synergy. I really hope it is the beginning of a long-lasting relationship, which will go on for a long time, because we have done a good thing, of quality: for the children. , for the kids, for Palermo and all of Sicily. I think the initiative will be successful, with so many people involved and with talks with important characters as the icing on the cake. An Agostini, to name one, is not to be missed: a true ace and still today a man of great effervescence. La Gazzetta, in this sense, confirms itself as a newspaper that is declined in many aspects, all successful: from events, such as the Trento Festival and this one in Palermo, to the growth of the site and subscribe to the digital edition. We are a group that runs with many legs “.

pink thread

Even the President of the Region, Renato Schifani, flanked by the Honorable Manlio Messina, Councilor for Tourism, Sport and Entertainment, is convinced that the current event will not remain unique. “We will work so that these days can be replicated – he guaranteed -: our young people need a similar educational model and Sicily, with its attractions, offers itself as a fertile land”. Mayor Roberto Lagalla echoed him: “I took a tour of the camps: the boys are enthusiastic about this news, they participate with enthusiasm. Our administration has among its objectives that of strengthening the sports facilities in the city, recovering even those that have gone lost or abandoned and such initiatives can only give us further impetus “. Francesco Carione, general manager of La Gazzetta, added: “Our mission is to bring sport and champions among the people. We have been organizing the wonderful Trento Festival for five years. Here we will be able to do something similar, albeit different. point we will have embraced the whole of Italy, from North to South “. Paolo Bellino, CEO of RCS Sports & Events, went even further: “After the splendid experience of Segesta, with a long pink thread, we will be able to unite all the Sicilian archaeological sites”. The future is now.
