Gazprom reports that there are problems with the pijpleiding that brings Russian gas to Germany | Buitenland

The Russian state energy requirement Gazprom has previously reported new problems with a turbine in the pipeline Nord Stream 1, the Russian gas near Duitsland Voert.

The turbine will be brought to the same transfer of Canada to Germany, in places of right trees to Russia, according to Gazprom-topman Vitali Markelov. Russia can subsequently accept the grandson of the manufacturer of the turbine as the European Union and the United Kingdom have a guarantee that it is subject to Western sancties. Waarom Moscow de turbine can not be used, shows Markelov not.

The turbine is the middle point of a long saga in Russia when the cores of the gas industry disappear via Nord Stream 1, which means that there is a risk of an energy crisis in Germany and the rest of Europe.


Berlijn accuses Moskou of using the turbine as a means of destroying it in the West for sanctions on roads in Oekraïne. Russia knows the data and shows that the gas toevoer will be published by the turbine. Germany says that the turbine to Russia can be expected and that there are technical talks about reducing the gas leverage.


Gazprom filed Siemens Energy as missing cores accused of not having enough papers and information for the turbine.

Markelov said that there were still other problems to be solved in the three turbines that were being manufactured. The reason for this is that the manufacturer Siemens Energy has a problem, not Gazprom. “We waited patiently for the arrival of our experts at the compressor station.”


Volgens de topman works momenteel maar één van de zes turbines in dat station. Gazprom received all the letters sent to Siemens Energie, said that there were only a few problems that had been described.
Gazprom filed Siemens Energy as missing cores accused of not having enough papers and information for the turbine. The manufacturer accepts the accusations.

Gazprom publishes the week-end delivery of gas via Nord Stream 1 to 20 percent of the capacity, depending on the need for public transport.

