Gazidis, the farewell to Milan is now official: the CEO due out in December

The super manager wanted by Elliott greets the Rossoneri club after four years: “This club, this city and these fans have saved my life”. Councilor Furlani the strong candidate to replace him

It had been in the air for months now, now there is also official status: Ivan Gazidis greets Milan four years after joining them. “AC Milan announced today that Ivan Gazidis’ contract will end on December 5, 2022. Ivan Gazidis joined AC Milan as CEO in December 2018 and has led the club through a period of growth and modernization, both on the pitch. , both for other activities related to the business ”, reads the official press release of the Rossoneri club.


The note obviously also contains the words of the CEO. outgoing: “I will leave Milan after four wonderful and challenging years. I owe a lot to this club, its people, its fans and this city, which I am convinced have literally saved my life. If Milan today are in a better position than when I arrived, it is entirely due to the work of all the people who surrounded me. I have no doubt that these founding values, carried forward by all the people of the Club, will push Milan towards new goals in the years to come. Finally, I would like to send a special thank you to our fans. Our fans have supported the Club (and myself) through difficult times, thanks to their perseverance and strength. I will always keep in my heart how they supported me during my illness. They deserve a lot. Soon I will leave my responsibility in the Club, but the Club will always remain within me ”.


To officially greet him, the Rossoneri president Paolo Scaroni: “I would like to thank Ivan from my heart for his passion and dedication, but above all for the significant contribution he has made to our Club, representing and spreading the fundamental values ​​that distinguish us. It is very easy to be the President of a company that has a CEO with the qualities of Ivan. I would also like to personally wish him a period of well-deserved relaxation with his family and every success for his next professional chapter ”. Which will most likely make a stop in the United States, a return to origins for Gazidis. The CEO “He will remain fully operational in his role as CEO until the end of the contract – concludes the press release – and the Club will communicate his successor as soon as possible”. The new CEO, unless there are surprises, should be that of Giorgio Furlani, former portfolio manager of Elliott and member of the Rossoneri board of directors.
