Gazidis and the words of Scaroni: uncertain future for the CEO of Milan

The Rossoneri president said he was certain he could count on him until November: and after that? Four years at the helm of Elliott’s manager, who managed to combine costs and results

The first clue, dated 1 June (the day of the transition from Elliott to RedBird) and which then and then went quite unnoticed, was not an official statement but the classic “behind the scenes”: Ivan Gazidis will remain at least until the closing. That is when the sale of AC Milan will be definitively completed with the transfer of the share capital, tentatively scheduled for September. The second clue bears the date of yesterday, Monday 20 June, and this time it came through the mouth of the Rossoneri president Scaroni: “We are sure to count on Gadizis until the end of the contract, at the end of November”.
