Gaziantep FK match description from Göztepe! – Last minute Göztepe news

Göztepe Club published a statement on the official website about what happened in the last part of Gaziantep FK match and announced that necessary action would be taken.

Here is that explanation:

What happened in the match we played at the weekend was meticulously handled by our club. As a club, we have done all the necessary research by listening to the relevant people. We are aware, like the public, that the players and the technical team acted emotionally and did not have malicious intent during the events. On the other hand, while the evaluations of the match referee should be the basis, we do not find it right for the players or members of the technical committee to change a situation that the match referee finds appropriate with the rules, with their personal evaluations.

The only decision maker in the game is always the referee of the match. It is the referee’s authority and duty to evaluate what should be done and do what is necessary. It is understood that a different decision was made in the psychological and emotional environment that occurred at that time. Although our club managers tried to intervene in the situation, unfortunately this was not possible in a very short time.

In this context, our club will meticulously carry out any action necessary for the values ​​of football.
