Gazaans jongetje schreeuwt het uit tegen journalist: “Ik heb my broertje vanonder het puin gehaald, begraaf me maar mee met him” | Buitenland

Canteens were located in the Al-Ahli Baptist Church in Gaza City on the right side of the church and the rows of food were buried. Ook the little Mohammed Khalid Shehta kwam om bij de Israeli luchtaanvallen. Zijn broer Saaed is ontroostbaar: “My love broertje, my vriendje! What is my mom?” One person tells him that Mohammed never allows himself to be engraved “alvorens jouw mama afscheid heeft kunnen nemen”. Well, the mother and the mother are really happy with the dog. It has never been seen before that the aanvallen has been overleafd.

