Gay couples: Prosecutor of Padua removes the non-biological mother

ANDshe was the first ever baby girl of a pair of women gay whose birth certificate was registered with the presence of the two mothers. It was August 30, 2017. Today the Padua prosecutor asked the two women to rectify that act deleting the name of the non-biological mother so that the only recognized parent remains the woman who gave birth to her.

Milan, the mayor Giuseppe Sala registers 9 children of rainbow mothers

Gay: the Prosecutor of Padua does not like rainbow families

The Tribunal of the Venetian city, therefore, moves forward and initiates what the Government has declared it intends to do, but has not yet formalized with a decree law: that is no longer give the non-biological mother or father of gay couples the opportunity to be such.

How to erase a parent with the stroke of a pen

The hearing for the family of the little girl who is now 6 years old will be held on November 14 and if the request from the Prosecutor passes, the child will end up having only one parent and therefore on a legal level, his life would be greatly complicated, just think of the signatures required for school and for all other practices, even in the medical field.

The hearing for the family of the little girl who is now 6 years old will be held on November 14 and if the prosecutor’s request passes, the little girl will find herself having only one parent (Getty)

The Court wants to challenge 33 birth certificates of children with gay parents

Currently in the municipal registers of Padua there are 33 birth certificates of as many children born to homosexual couples all relating to the birth of children by two women. They are the ones that the mayor, Sergio Giordani, has registered in recent years and that the prosecutor has decided to challenge.

Rainbow families, the mayor: “Think of the children”

«I am serene and convinced of the choices made – the mayor of Padua Sergio Giordani declared in a note after the action of the Court – Since 2017 I have been transcribing the birth certificates of girls and boys of two mothers. It is an act of responsibility towards these little ones because I don’t accept the thought that there are children who are discriminated against as soon as they are born in their fundamental rights”.

A great legislative vacuum

«But there is a very serious legislative vacuum on the subject on which Parliament should legislate, but has not done so until now. We should put aside the ideological battle and think only of children” concluded the mayor.

It is not the first time that a registration has been challenged, but so far the prosecutors had not gone so far, up to involving children who are already of school age. Today, however, she did.

