Gaudí Awards 2024 | The year of the creature, by Quim Casas

If there was a dichotomy between ‘Creatura’ and ‘You know that’, this was resolved in favor of the first, which was quite predictable given the characteristics of both films and the context in which we find ourselves.. Elena Martín’s film also won the Gaudí for best direction, something consistent that has also happened with the best film in a non-Catalan language: double film and direction for ‘20,000 species of bees’, a film that benefited, like Martín’s, of its competition in a prestigious international festival in Berlin. ‘Creatura’ was in Cannes and at this moment the presence, with awards or not, of Catalan productions in the most important competitions is something that adds to the final evaluations of the films in question. The ‘Alcarràs’ effect has caused a shock wave: those responsible for these festivals already look at the films made here in a different way than what happened not so long ago.

In contrast to the success of ‘Creatura’, David Trueba’s film about Eugenio has achieved the acting double, something that cannot be argued considering that David Verdaguer and Carolina Yuste are essential for the proper functioning of ‘They know that’. They are one of those awards that no one (or almost no one) will dare to discuss and, in the case of Yuste’s performance, it adds the notable effort of filming in a language that is not his, Catalan, something that we have always applauded in international actresses and actors when they perform in languages ​​that are not their own.

En una línea de separación mucho más fina se encuentran el resto de los premios cosechados por las dos películas estrella de este año. Al ser una cinta ambientada en una época pretérita, no muy lejana, eso sí, pero de una estética precisa, la Barcelona de los 80, ‘Sabell aquell’ ha visto recompensando el trabajo de dirección artística, vestuario, maquillaje y peluquería. Siempre ha sido así. Parece que sea más meritorio reconstruir en la pantalla un tiempo pasado que nuestro presente cotidiano.
