Gas stations Tinq limit anniversary stunt after nuisance due to extreme crowds | Car

Tinq, the chain of unmanned filling stations, had to adjust its price stunt on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary. ‘Due to the extreme crowds, traffic jams have arisen at a number of locations’, the statement reads website

With the slogan ‘Refueling for the fuel prices of 20 years ago’, Tinq launched the campaign on Monday to celebrate its anniversary. In addition, the fuel prices are thrown down considerably for an hour at certain gas stations. For example, a liter of petrol cost 1.17 euros on Tuesday between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. in Berkel en Rodenrijs, while the regular price is more than twice as high.

The price stunt in the municipality caused a traffic jam, the ANWB reported. According to the traffic service, the ‘whole municipality was stuck’ and the delay was up to an hour. The police arriveds to manage the huge influx. There was also pressure at other Tinq gas stations on Monday and earlier on Tuesday due to the petrol price stunts.

As a result, the management was forced to adjust the ‘super promotion’. “The enthusiasm and rush is many times greater than we could have anticipated, as well as the (fuel) emotion that has led to grim situations in some locations,” the statement said. The management of the gas station chain evaluated the first results of the price stunt on Tuesday and said they were in contact with national and local government agencies. ‘Due to the uncertainty about the guarantee of road safety at various locations and the safety of our employees and customers, we have unfortunately had to decide to change the promotion.’


This was massive and much bigger than expected

Spokesperson Tinq


The number of locations where you can refuel cheaper has been adjusted, but the promotion continues. Until Friday, Tinq will treat its customers to only two locations with cheap fuel prices for an hour every day. The addresses and times will be announced at 7 p.m. the night before.

“This was massive and much larger than expected,” said a Tinq spokesperson. “We had pre-sorted for this by hiring traffic guidance and deploying extra people, but it has become very busy.” Tinq had hired three traffic controllers in Berkel en Rodenrijs, but they soon needed help from the police. Eventually people at the back of the line were asked to leave, because it was getting too busy. There was also aggressiveness among motorists, the spokesperson said. According to him, this was mainly due to the long waiting times and because people were pushing ahead.

Security is hired in two actions today, according to the spokesman. “For the emotions and to calm people down,” said the spokesperson. “We want to protect our own people and traffic controllers.”

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