Gas station owners’ club is happy that fuel tax increases will not go ahead

It is good news that the House of Representatives is putting an end to an increase in fuel excise duties as of January 1. This is what Ewout Klok, chairman of the Petrol Stations Interest Association (BETA), says. According to him, this is especially important for Dutch gas station owners in the border region because it prevents the price difference with Germany and Belgium from increasing even further.

Many Brabanders already refuel in the two neighboring countries, which are cheaper. If the excise duty had increased by 21 cents, the differences with other countries would have become even greater. Brabant gas station owners were afraid of losing customers.

We are really happy with this and rightly so. This will help colleagues at the border enormously,” said Klok. He had already warned that if fuel prices were to rise even further in January, it would be “disastrous” for gas station owners in the border region. According to Klok, it is also good news for other retailers because people who visit the gas station across the border would also visit other shops there.

The ANWB also reacts positively to the news. According to the ANWB, a large proportion of Dutch people are already in financial trouble with the current fuel prices. The traffic organization had therefore already called for the increase to be waived.

The ANWB states that a recent poll showed that 85 percent of its members are against an increase in excise duty. “This is a clear signal that fuel taxes are already high enough and that a further increase will have a negative impact on the wallets of many Dutch people.”

The current discount, which would expire on January 1, will last one year longer. The usual one-off annual increase will also not take place. A proposal to this effect by VVD faction leader Sophie Hermans received support from SP, ChristenUnie, DENK, PVV, JA21, BBB, SGP, Groep-Van Haga and the single-members Pieter Omtzigt and Liane den Haan.

The excise duty will not increase until 2025 at the earliest.

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