Gas explosion: non-profit organization wants to restart operation of the diner as soon as possible

Gas explosion: non-profit organization wants to restart operation of the diner as soon as possible

It was their clients, people with disabilities, who ran the restaurant in Christinastraat. They are still impressed by the disaster. And they especially think of their supervisor who was particularly badly injured.

Lizette opened just under four years ago. The bar is flat after the gas disaster. But Duinhelm’s primary concern goes to their employee Friedl. She was seriously injured just after the evacuation of all her clients, and is still in a coma. Saskia Verelst, director of vzw Duinhelm: “That is also our greatest concern at the moment. Our clients have also seen the incident happen. So there are a lot of emotions at the moment.”

Many more could have been injured. Almost everyone had just been evacuated. “The police have closed the case and wanted to hand over the key to Friedl, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time at the time and then the explosion happened.”

The havoc also blows away the entire dream of Duinhelm’s catering initiative in one fell swoop. “Everything we stand for. Our vision to give people with disabilities a place in the city and in society is now literally shattered. It is a heavy blow, because employment for our employees and our clients also falls. away. But we won’t let our souls be blown away.”

The non-profit organization intends to do everything in its power, together with clients and employees, to get a new initiative off the ground as soon as possible.
