Gary Oldman, father’s abandonment, retirement and Sirius Black

G.ary Oldmanthe Oscar-winning actor for The darkest houris the super star of 52nd Giffoni Film Festival. He arrives dressed in white and flat cap from the Amalfi coast with his wife (the fifth) and is welcomed by hundreds of boys curious to listen to the interpreter of the trilogy of The dark Knightfrom Dracula (who turns 30 this year) and of the beloved Sirius Black in Harry Potter.

A crowd of people overwhelms the English star with questions, ready to answer almost everything, and is moved when he talks about his first time in the cinema and in the theater. He also starts dancing with the director of the festival Claudio Gubitosi on the notes of the festival theme: “I have participated in many meetings in my life, but this one has something extra,” Oldman confesses to reporters, who we will soon find in ORppenheimerfriend’s new movie Christopher Nolan.

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Oldman in Oppenheimerthe new Nolan movie

From the film by the director of Inception the actor can’t say anything: “I don’t want Chris to pop up somewhere down here»Says the Oscar winner as he checks under the sofa he is sitting on. He doesn’t even talk about politics. When asked what he would think Churchillwhich he played in The darkest hour, of today’s British politics simply replies: “He’s turning in his grave“. After the sun on the coast, Oldman will soon return to London for the filming of the second season of Slow Horsesthe acclaimed spy series Apple.

Gary Oldman is moved by talking about his thunder in cinema

He lets himself go and yes moves when he remembers the Before electrocution for cinema and theater. “I have two older sisters who took me to see the first big screen moviewas All for one with BeatlesI knew the songs by heart because I had listened to the vinyls – he says Oldman -. When I attended the theater the first live performance was magical. It was the second shock. One evening, on the other hand, I saw the film on TV, together with my mother The angry Moon with Malcolm McDowell (the actor of Clockwork Orange ed). At that moment my life changed and I said to myself: “This is what I want to do in life ““.

Gary Oldman in Giffoni. (Giffoni Festival Press Office)

The abandonment of the father

Oldman he also tells the boys about one of the more complicated periods of his life. Of when the of him have divorced and the father was gone. “I was 7 years old, I thought my father didn’t love me anymoreinstead he had another woman, but when you are a child you don’t understand these things – he explains – nothing is forever. I felt a sense of abandonment. I used that feeling in my work. For example in a scene of Dracula of Coppola in which I had to cry out loud. When I have to bring out strong emotions I think of that period ».

Gary Oldman at the Giffoni Film Festival. (Giffoni Festival Press Office)

The return of Sirius Black?

Many fans of Harry Potter they are fond of his Sirius Black. «My relationship with that character stems from the relationship with Daniel Radcliffe. I remember he was a child and he was nervous in relating with me – he says – We spent a lot of time together, I also taught him to play bass. Our relationship probably spilled over into the character of Sirius and you can also see it on the screen ». Would he return as Sirius Black? Someone asks him. «Why not – he replies Oldman – the books of Harry Potter are many, maybe in a few years …“.

Gary Oldman and farewell to the cinema

The actor also reflects on his future as well on the relationship with cinema at the age of 64 (40 are of career). “Retirement? I don’t know if at 80 I’ll still want to do this job – he confesses to the boys – the future is you. I don’t know when I’m leaving, I know I have a lot of interests outside of acting like that photography and play the floor”.

“When I entered the world of cinema I had the fire insidepassion, work was my life and there I put all of myself excluding other things. At 64, I began to slow down and to change perspective – he continues – i am happy to wake up in my bed, enjoy family and my dogs. It is the first time that I am happy both personally and professionally ».

