Garden Academy 09 – PNT

How were the beginnings of the company and for what purpose was it carried out?

Since 2016 we have independently and self-taught research into the medicinal aspect of cannabis and its scope and effects on health.

Considering various advances in medicine and seeing its inclination to complement its treatments with a more comprehensive and holistic view, we understood that a new concept related to system stabilizing treatments was emerging in medicine; We saw in cannabis and its entourage effect a therapeutic potential to research and develop.

In 2020, Jardín 09 emerged with greater clarity in the regulatory aspects of cannabis.

We are a community made up of different social actors (health professionals, students, supportive growers, social managers and researchers).

United by interest, dedication and research in plants and their therapeutic potential to improve people’s quality of life. We seek to innovate and bring information to the community through research and development to maximize the quality of phytocompounds and enhance their various therapeutic properties.

What services do you offer to the public?

We provide different types of services:

  • Development of herbal products.
  • Master formulation of cannabis oils.
  • Medical consulting specialized in comprehensive and holistic treatments.
  • Herbal compound analysis service.
  • Research and dissemination.

How do you project the brand in the medium and long term?

We seek to consolidate ourselves in the industry as a bioinputs laboratory model.

At the same time, we have the objective of being able to continue with our medical-pharmacological research project to be able to contribute to the field of knowledge within the field of health and science.

Our intention is to grow without losing sight of the foundations of our project: Integrity, the democratization of knowledge, the development of top quality natural products and contributing to improving people’s quality of life with a comprehensive approach.

What are your differentials in the sector?

We consider that unlike other projects, our work stands out for its permanence over time, integrity in all processes, interdisciplinary work and where health is prioritized over money.

A pillar of our organization is the medical consulting service guided by a commitment to service and accompanying the process with human warmth and medical excellence, specialized in phytotherapy treatments with medicinal cannabis.

The objective is to advise, guide and accompany users so that they achieve an experience where they are the protagonists of their own health.

How is your staff made up in its different areas?

Our staff is made up of Clinical Doctors, Neurology and Psychiatry.

If you were starting over, what would you do differently?

We would not do anything differently, we consider that every decision, person that happened and experience that we went through was necessary to form the pillars of Jardín 09 and become the organization that we currently are.

Contact information


Consulting – 11 6054-4787

Administration – 11 2399-8849


jardin09_academia – Research and dissemination

jardin09_lab – Development of phytocompounds and laboratory processes

jardin09_cbdcosmetica – Catalog of products and cosmetic line

jardin09_fungi – Mycotherapy research project

Websites: – Sale of products – Medical consulting, research and courses


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