Garbage man finds hamsters in dumpster, second time in the same place

A garbage collector has found hamsters for the second time in an underground waste container in Saturnuslaan in Oss. “He was extra alert since the last time,” says the animal ambulance. And if that wasn’t sad enough, one hamster bit the other to death on the way to the animal shelter.

“This is worrying,” says Saskia Thijssen. She works at the Maasland animal ambulance, which includes Oss. “Dumping your pets is of course always terrible, but twice in a row? If you are unable to take care of the animals, you have to ask for help.”

The rodents were fished out of the container in relatively healthy condition on Tuesday morning. Only then did things go wrong, on the way to the animal shelter in the animal ambulance. “Hamsters are very sensitive to stress,” Saskia explains. “And they don’t like to be together. Especially if they are both males.”

“It’s ‘just a hamster’, but still a big responsibility.”

“Maybe that was also why the owner didn’t want the hamsters anymore, because they fought a lot,” says Saskia. “But that’s speculation.” In any case, there is a chance that the owner of the animals found hamster parenthood disappointing. “It may just be a hamster, but it’s still a big responsibility.”

That’s why the tip again: “Ask yourself not only whether you are happy with an animal, but also whether the animal will be happy with you as its owner.” And if you come home to a rude awakening once your new roommate arrives, ask for help.

“We’re concerned about whether there are more animals there in the house.”

Saskia herself also asks for some help. One hamster dumping is already shocking, let alone two. “We’re concerned about whether there are more animals there in the house,” she says. “But we can’t do anything.” The animal ambulance has no investigative powers. So finding out who the dumper is is not possible.

“Do you know who dumped their hamsters in the vicinity of Saturnuslaan? Please contact the police or warn us,” Saskia urges. Dumping animals is indeed punishable. Even when it comes to hamsters.”

The container where hamsters have already been dumped twice (photo: Maasland Animal Ambulance)..
The container where hamsters have already been dumped twice (photo: Maasland Animal Ambulance)..


This animal was stuck in an underground container and was rescued just in time
