Ganni unveils fabric innovation initiative

On the occasion of the Global Fashion Summit 2022, Ganni has launched a new initiative dedicated to the research and development of innovative materials. Through an internal program in which the Danish label works with start-ups, a circular and more environmentally friendly production is to be created, Ganniam announced on Wednesday. The brand aims to reduce carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2027.

“Through Fabrics for Future we want to support start-ups in scaling their innovations. Fabric innovations will play a crucial role in making fashion more circular and creating lower impact material,” says founder Nicolaj Reffstrup. Ganni is going against the status quo of the industry and hopes to create a “solid framework” for research, innovation and knowledge sharing.

The three startups Ganni works with are Bolt Threads, Renewcell and Stem. Bolt Threads and Renewcell are companies that create innovative fabrics, Stem is a clothing company specializing in circularity.

Bolt Thread has developed a mycelium-based leather alternative. Ganni used the material for a collection of purses and bags presented at the Global Fashion Summit. A collaboration with Stem resulted in pants, a dress and a jacket that are completely circular.

Fabrics for Future: Ganni x Bolt Threads/ MyloTM | Image: Ganni
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Fabrics for Future: Ganni x Stem | Image: Ganni

With Renewcell, Ganni has designed two pants that are made from 15 percent Circulose – a natural material that is obtained by recycling discarded cotton items. The process is powered by 100 percent renewable energy. Ganni plans to make more use of the material in the future.

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Fabrics for Future: Ganni x Renewcell/ Circulose | Image: Ganni

Read more about Ganni here:
