Ganna after the Hour record: “Incredible, beyond my expectations”

The new record holder: “I didn’t think I would beat Boardman, in the last 5 ‘I have been short of legs to try to break the wall of 57 times”

Pippo Ganna, after an inhuman performance, shows his human face as soon as he got off that bike which he covered 56.792 km in an hour. The tired face, the forehead full of wrinkles to testify the extreme effort that he has just endured. “Thank you all – he comments warmly – you supported me in an incredible way. I reached a crazy goal for me and for the staff. This morning I was only thinking about beating Bigham, I wasn’t thinking about Boardman, but this result goes beyond my expectations”.


Ganna also has the clarity to analyze her performance. “Now I just think about celebrating and recovering, but in the last 5 ‘I was very tired, my legs started to suffer and I didn’t have any more to break the wall of 57 kilometers per hour. In the future, who knows, I might try to improve myself at another time of the season, with fresher legs “.
