Gand-Wevelgem: Girmay wins, he is the first African to impose himself in a classic

The Eritrean talent born in 2000 won the Northern Classic at the end of a sensational sprint. It is the best result for his continent

His name is Biniam Girmay, he is 21 years old and 359 days old and he comes from Eritrea. Wonderful the whole world of cycling, this guy who just yesterday said he didn’t even know the route, conquered the Ghent-Wevelgem 2022.

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With a wonderful four-man sprint, this 2000 class rider of Intermarché – Wanty – Gobert Matériaux, got the better of Christophe Laporte (Jumbo-Visma), first to launch the sprint, Dries Van Gestel (TotalEnergies) and Jasper Stuyven (Trek -Segafredo). A historic result that allows Africa to enter the palmares of the great classics of this sport. For Girmay this is the first victory in the ProTour, the seventh of his very young career.
