GammaDonna Award 2022: how to apply

T.before the news of GammaDonna Award 2022, a contest that for 20 years supports the brightest minds of female entrepreneurship and that this year it will do so from the stage of the Italian Tech Week. With a new recognition, the Assist Digital Award, to female entrepreneurs who use digital to create positive impact.

GammaDonna Award for female entrepreneurship. (Press Office)

Female entrepreneurship in Italy

200 million more are earmarked for the women’s enterprise fund to support female entrepreneurs, yet the number of companies led by women is still low: not even 1.4 million in Italy – 22.1% of the total -, 96.8% micro and only 0.3% medium-large companies.

According to the latest data, however, the percentage of women active in the tech sector is growing, confirming the validity of the policies aimed at increasing the participation of women in sectors with a greater content of knowledge and technology, which represent the future of our country.

Women and work: female employment numbers are improving

Women and work: female employment numbers are improving

GammaDonna Award 2022

Over the years, the GammaDonna Award has scouted exceptional stories, won bets, dreams come true. And this year the six finalist innovation stories will have a new prestigious stage: that of the OGR-Officine Grandi Riparazioni in Turin. The appointment is for 30 September 2022 on the main stage of theItalian Tech Weekthe largest Italian technology event.

Who can participate in the award

The Award is intended for entrepreneurs (founders, co-founders, or active members with managerial roles) who have distinguished themselves for having innovated with products / services, processes or organizational models within their company, with at least two financial statements behind them. For apply just sign up here.

What you win with the GammaDonna award

The applications that will enter the “short-list Fab50”- that is, the 50 entrepreneurs who pass the first selection – will have a dedicated space on the GammaDonna platform ( and on its YouTube channel which, since 2004, has been telling and spreading stories of innovation, leadership, vision. They will also be invited to participate in the exclusive business matching event with the Award Partners to be held on the evening of the Final.

The 6 finalists – selected by a jury of innovation experts, exponents of the business world and investors – will be the protagonists on 30 September 2022 on the stage of the Italian Tech Week, in presence at OGR Turin and broadcast in live streaming. Furthermore, a mini-documentary on the history of entrepreneurial innovation is up for grabs; interviews and releases in the main national media; a Master from the 24Ore Business School; a training course on the world of Venture Capital and innovation thanks to the Italian Tech Alliance “Venture Academy”; the opportunity to be selected for training to participate in the screening process of the Angels4Women Committee to access an investment between 100 and 500K; access to GammaDonna’s Finance is Cool Business Classes.

The GammaDonna 2022 awards

The following Awards will also be awarded among the nominations received:

The Women Startup Award will award an award to the most innovative startupper in the Smart city, Smart mobility, Life Science, Healthcare & Medical Devices, Bioeconomy, Media, Entertainment & Gamification, Fashion, Agri-food tech, Cleantech, Energy sectors. The startup must have completed at least one seed round. The adoption of circular economy and / or ESG principles will represent a plus in the final evaluation.

-The Assist Digital Award, recognition to the entrepreneur who has invested in digital transformation with the aim of having a positive impact on people, communities, territories, society and the environment. Up for grabs, access to Assist Digital’s international training program on User Experience for digital products and services, with 3 levels of UX PM (User Experience Project Management) certification.

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– To the entrepreneur who has distinguished herself in the field of on and offline communication instead, the Giuliana Bertin Communication Award, recognition of Valentina Communication, established in memory of its founder. Prizes: interviews and releases on the main national media, a Master from the 24Ore Business School, the opportunity to be selected for a training to participate in the screening process of the Angels4Women Committee to access an investment between 100 and 500K.

Applications must be sent by 11 July 2022.

