Games in the Nations League: Flick thinks about the World Cup squad and EM 2024

Status: 09/20/2022 11:19 am

When the German national soccer team plays against Hungary on Friday (September 23, 2022) and three days later in England (September 26, 2022), there is much more at stake than just points for the Nations League.

National coach Hansi Flick sees the games as a dress rehearsal for the World Cup in Qatar (November 20 to December 18). Whatever they are. The team still has a game to play in Oman on November 16, but that’s not considered an endurance test. Rather, the team should acclimatize in the World Cup region.

“This is the starting shot towards the World Cup”emphasized Flick, “We have to get into tournament mode relatively quickly and perform well!” He himself is already “absolutely in World Cup mode”.

“These are the last impressions”

The two games in Leipzig and London are of immense importance to the players Flick has called up to his 24-man squad. Especially for the shaky candidates it is the last chance to assert themselves in the national team. Flick is also looking for a player “for the special moments”like Mario Götze had with his goal in the 2014 final. “These are the last impressions we can get. That’s why these will be very focused, concentrated days”said Oliver Bierhoff.

Because other players can still have hopes, since Flick can call up two more players for the World Cup. “We’re looking closely. The door is still open for everyone”he also said with a view to the currently injured World Cup candidates.

Victory would be good for confidence

For DFB director Bierhoff, of course, victory is also in the cards Nations League– Group important. “For us it would be a prestige, it would be a registration and a confidence builder, this win would be good for the team.”said the 54-year-old.

With six points, the national team is in second place in Group 3 of League A, one point behind surprise leaders Hungary. With victories against Hungary and England, first place would be certain. Only the group winner qualifies for the final tournament.

Flick wil 2023 not only test games

And Flick really wants to play that. He thinks in perspective. For him, the games against Hungary and in England are of great importance beyond the World Cup. Because Flick is already thinking about the intermediate year 2023. The problem: Germany, as the host qualified for the EM 2024, has no compulsory games – unless you reach the Nations League final in June.

The national team met on the DFB campus. Preparation for the upcoming Nations League games.

“We have set ourselves the goal of doing that in the summer Final Four want to play because it would be a great achievement for us to get through the group stage first. But it would also be the only two competitive games we would have. So it would be all the better, all the more important, to get into the Final Four.”, he said. Bierhoff agrees: “We’re not taking part in the 2023 European Championship qualifiers because we’re hosting in 2024, so a competition with high-quality opponents in the Final Four in the summer would be extremely important for us.” The final round of the Nations League takes place in June.

Never been to the Final Four

So far, the DFB selection has always missed the Final Four of the Nations League. In 2018, bottom of the table, only a change in mode prevented the embarrassing relegation to the B-League. In 2020, after the 0: 6 in Spain, it was only enough for second place in the group. If it happens again this year, then there will only be test games for the time being. The qualification for the EM 2024 starts next March.
