Game over for disastrous Dutch-made game film adaptation | review ★☆☆☆☆

Movies about gaming have a bad reputation. In Hollywood they are already having a hard time with shoddy products like Gamer with Gerard Butler and Pixels with Adam Sandler. But if you then want to make a Dutch version with a small budget and a script that fits on a beer mat, that can only turn out disastrous. And now we are stuck with Game on.

The story, which could have come straight from ChatGPT, is about the young Issam (Marouane Meftah) who wants nothing more than to become a professional gamer. However, his mother is against this and takes away his computer. But when a newly opened gaming hall is possessed by an alien entity, Issam must save the world with the best gamers in the Netherlands.

It is never clear why or what they are good at

The great thing about playing games, and what often makes it so addictive, are elements such as a limited time to complete a level, the various obstacles you encounter, the teamwork and the often colorful characters with their own powers and talents. If you like that, you’re in for tension-free Game on to the wrong address. The makers tried to give the characters their own personality, but unfortunately stopped after coming up with a name. There are gamers Cheesemaster (he really likes cheese), Sniperpink (she has a pink gun) and Grandpa Pro (he is old and… a pro). It is never clear why or what they are good at. Everyone just shoots at random without any effect, without time pressure and everything with cringe-inducing dialogue.

The digital effects are the best

The fact that almost the entire cast is staffed by influencers (Gio Latooy, Lies Zhara, Nienke Plas) with little to no acting experience doesn’t make things much better. The most bizarre thing is that the digital effects are the best. With a limited budget, a few computer artists have been able to create quite a bit of fun. Tip to the makers: remove 80 minutes from the film, and you have a colorful commercial for a new game console starring fun influencers. As a cinema film it is game over.


Director: Roy Poortmans

With Marouane Meftah, Gio Latooy, Britt Scholte, Lies Zhara, Vincent Visser, Nick Golterman, Dante, Nienke Plas, Maurits Delchot, Bardo Ellens

Can be seen in Drachten, Emmen, Groningen, Heerenveen, Hoogeveen, Hoogezand, Klazienaveen, Leeuwarden, Meppel and Sneek

Judgement: ★☆☆☆☆
