Gama, the French startup that wants to revolutionize space transport

Gama, a French startup specializing in the space industry, has just raised 2 million euros. Its ambition: to revolutionize space transport thanks to a solar sail.

A very promising technology for space

Founded in 2020 by Louis de Gouyon Matignon, Thibaud Elziere and Andrew Nutter, Gama is developing a solar sail to revolutionize access to deep space. The concept of the solar veil is not new since it had already been mentioned by the astronomer Johannes Kepler in the 17th century. On the other hand, if it has already been tested in space, it is not yet fully mastered and adopted on a large scale.

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This is an emerging technology and so far there have only been a handful of successful solar sail projects. It is attracting interest from major space agencies and we know that NASA and JAXA (the Japanese space agency) are working on similar projects. », explains Louis de Gouyon Matignon. Being powered by the Sun, the solar sail should, in theory, operate sustainably and therefore allow the vessels it propels to reach very long distances quickly.

As detailed TechCrunchsolar sails work almost the same as traditional sails, except they use photons for propulsion rather than the air molecules that make up the wind. Although photons have no mass, their momentum as they travel through space can be transferred to a reflective surface – a Mylar or polyamide solar sail – which can propel a spacecraft. The force is light, but in the vacuum of space it can build up quickly. It’s possible a solar sail could propel a spacecraft at 20% the speed of light, but that would take time. “.

Gama is supported by Bpifrance and CNES

Study Saturn and its system, including its rings and natural satellites, carry out low-cost asteroid reconnaissance missions, send back data on Neptune’s atmosphere or Uranus’ magnetosphere, visit several of Jupiter’s Trojan asteroids, explore Europa, study its prebiotic chemistry and extraterrestrial habitability, help select landing sites for future missions… Here are some examples of missions that Gama hopes to be able to accomplish with its solar sail. It is also important to note that this technology would be much less expensive than conventional methods such as chemical or electric propulsion systems.

Obviously, Gama’s project appeals. The startup has indeed raised 2 million euros from the Public Investment Bank (Bpifrance), the French Space Agency (CNES) and investors such as Nicolas Pinto (Apple), Marie Outtier (Twitter) or again the investment firm Possible Ventures. ” Private companies are proving that space innovation can happen quickly and unlock vast business opportunities. We are delighted to have the support of BPI, CNES and illustrious investors to take this important step. », declared Andrew Nutter, co-founder of the French company.

Diagram describing Gama's next missions.Diagram describing Gama's next missions.

On his site, Gama details his next missions over the coming years. Image: Screenshot / Gama

Gama already has several missions planned

Indeed, this funding should allow Gama to carry out its very first test mission in space, scheduled for October 2022. During this, a SpaceX Falcon 9 launcher will propel a CubeSat (a nano-satellite) into low orbit, about 550 kilometers above sea level. Next, a solar sail of almost 73 square meters should be deployed. ” This mission will be followed by a second launch in 2024 at a higher altitude to deploy a larger sail and demonstrate the onboard control and navigation system. In 2025, we will be one of the few who can explore further, at a much lower cost, with a mission to Venus concludes Andrew Nutter.

Gama’s technology is very promising and is generating enthusiasm in the sector. It remains to be seen whether the company’s solar sail will manage to prove itself in its first test in zero gravity.
